The Seven Steps to Removing a Google Penalty

Have you recently experienced a massive drop in traffic and rankings?

Has your website been hit by a Google Penguin update, a manual Google penalty, or have you lost lots of traffic and you aren’t sure why? Don’t worry, you aren’t the only website owner that this has happened to and this article will help you to resolve these issues and get your Google penalty removed!

Why keywords are still totally hard-core SEO

Introductie-van-Google’s-display-select-keywords_900_450_90_s_c1_smart_scale - CopyBuilding links using purely exact match keywords is a practice that’s in dramatic decline and Google has stopped reporting keyword referrals in Analytics altogether, so why-oh-why are we devoting yet another one of our High Impact blog posts to keyword chat? The fact is, whichever way you look at it, keywords are still very much at the core of SEO. If you want to have a conversation about SEO tactics you can adopt that will lead to hardcore conversions, they’ll all start with a serious keyword discussion.


How do I get my site ranking in 2015?


And so we come to the close of another tumultuous year in the land of search. There have been notable ups – the growth of content marketing and semantic search, the divergence of PR and SEO, a flutter of local fluctuations and a firm and persistent focus on mobile friendly-ness, to name but a few. And then there have been some significant downs, including some rather serious dives in rankings experienced by even the big-name sites, thanks to an algorithm update or two (well, around 14 significant ones, actually).