5 Simple Checks Before You Hit ‘Publish’

Creating content for your blog is a great way of keeping your website content fresh, as well as competing for rankings of important key terms for your business.

Having a blog can also give your business credibility and authority in your field, and on top of this can also influence purchase decisions significantly. For example, Contentplus cites that blogs are 63% more likely to influence purchase behavior than magazines.

Are you concentrating on your content?

It’s perhaps a sort of headache-inducing irony that the word ‘content’ has been popping up frequently within SEO advisory content over the last few years. After much discussion of how Google wants sites to improve quality and crackdowns on dubious old school link building tactics have taken place and earned lots of sites a ranking forfeiture, the message seems to have finally filtered down that content should be an online priority. Almost everyone, we hope, is now firmly on board with the concept of quality content creation. The result? It’s time to take a more considered and planned approach.

Why should you choose content marketing for SEO?

Content marketing has been the buzzword of the search industry for the last few years.  It’s a marketing method that’s proving popular and successful for both B2B and B2C businesses and it shows no sign of waning as we head towards 2015. In fact, research published by the Content Marketing Institute in the US shows that 70 per cent of B2B marketers have been producing more content marketing than in 2013 and 69 per cent are working on creating more engaging content. Supporting search efforts is the goal of many of these marketers.

The Top 10 Tips To Get Your Infographic Shared

Top 10 tips for getting your infographic shared

There’s no great mystery as to how to get your infographic to go viral; it’s about excellent planning, comprehensive strategising and adding these elements to a fantastic looking infographic.

Infographics are used across the internet as a powerful tool for marketing; there are a number of platforms and applications which can be used to help go that extra mile.