To SEO or not to SEO? We answer the question

From Panda to Penguin, Hummingbird to Pigeon, Google has launched a whole flock of algorithm updates with the aim of making the internet an easier place to explore and find things. And, as everyone starts to accept user intent is at the heart of everything Google does, some people have began questioning whether SEO is needed at all. After all, if you consider what the user wants you should be able to put together a decent online strategy, not to mention some great content for your site.

Why paid and organic search can live in harmony

The conundrum

One of the key things businesses like about search is its measurability. Whether you choose paid or organic search or a combination of both, it is possible to set clear KPIs and measure your return on investment in terms of traffic and resulting revenue. That said, in an evolving search landscape hit by penalties and algorithms, some businesses may find themselves drawn more to paid search and its ultra-visible equation of X£ in ad spend=X amount of traffic ≈ £sales.

How to leverage links: A Guide for the Greater Good

Let’s face it, when it comes to SEO, link building should really be on the sexier side of things. Linking from one site to another is a signal of trust, it says: “Hey, Google! I rate this site, I think it’s relevant, this site has my trust.”

Now, as we all know, trust is not a thing that can be bought, it needs to be earned and this is something that’s crucial to understand in the modern SEO landscape. When it comes to link acquisition, simply buying up a spammy links package or a bunch of low cost links might have some small benefit to your site’s rankings in the short term. However, this short-term gain is very likely to lead to long-term pain. Post Penguin, old-style link building just isn’t a future proof option.

How to stick to the Google Webmaster Guidelines

With Google punishing the sites of several high-profile brands with penalties recently, we thought now would be a good time to clarify any grey areas when it comes to what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour in Google’s eyes. Of course, many things that are total ‘do nots’ in the world of SEO now, started off a few years ago as easy ‘do’ tactics.

If you’re ever in doubt, it’s best to refer to the Google Webmaster guidelines. Here you’ll find a helpful list of rules from the powers that be, which should help you stay on the straight and narrow and avoid penalties.

To make things extra clear, we’ve outlined some of the old-school SEO techniques that are still catching some people out. And, we’ve even summarised why they are a no-go if you want to stay on the right side of Google and in a good position on the SERPs.