We Build Websites That Mean Business
Tel01202 237121

Reach for traffic that should be yours

SEO Service from High Impact

SEO helps you reach for traffic that should be yours, connecting you with customers who are looking for the products and services you offer. High Impact has been helping businesses like yours unlock their potential and grow their online presence since 2006.

From our Dorset base we offer bespoke SEO services to clients that span the full spectrum from SMEs to international companies operating in multiple countries. Whether you’re looking for an SEO agency in Dorset on your doorstep or seeking out a respected firm that can work with you wherever you’re based, High Impact can help.

Because every client is different, so is our approach. Our Dorset SEO analysts, designers, copywriters and media experts come together to work on each brief and create SEO solutions that match your aims and budget. We establish clear performance goals then report back on your site’s progress, keeping you informed every step of the way.
High Impact organic SEO services include:


  • Keyword analysis
  • SEO audits and competitor analysis
  • Analytics and Webmaster Tools
  • Technical onsite SEO
  • Outreach for link development
  • Social media
  • Content creation
  • Google Penalty Recovery Service

Get in touch today to discover how we can help your brand make more of an impact online. Call 01202 237121 for an informal chat about your brand’s obstacles and opportunities, we’re always happy to share some of our time for free to help you on your way. Alternatively, please complete the form below and we will contact you soon.

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High Impact Content Marketing