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Sitesell Case Studies

High Impact SitesellThere are many successful websites that have been built since the launch of Sitesell in 1997 using their products and services. According to the Sitesell website, over 100,000 people have already used the hosting and software solution created by Ken Evoy to build and host their Site Build It websites. As Certified Sitesell Webmasters we have built many successful websites for clients which have been hosted by Sitesell. In this article we will include Sitesell case studies from two of our clients.

Many people don’t realise how creative it is possible to be with the Sitesell Site Build It hosting and software solution. Most people who have built their own websites using this software don’t have professional design skills and as a result use off the shelf templates to create the look and feel of their new website, using the block builder method. Unfortunately, this means that many of the 100,000 websites look very similar. But did you know that you can create unique Html web pages built using professional designer software solutions like Dreamweaver and Firefox. This means that you are not restricted in your design and that your website doesn’t need to look similar to the majority of other Site Build It websites on the internet today!

Sitesell promotes the benefits of building niche, keyword researched, content rich websites, however, they do not seem to consider the importance of the visual design and layout of websites in their training videos or supporting articles. The Site Build It statistical tools that are provided can tell you amongst other things how much traffic you have received each day and how many page views, unfortunately, they don’t tell you your websites “bounce rate”. For those of you who are not aware of what bounce rate is, it is a measurement, recorded as a percentage, which shows you how many people who have landed on one of your web pages visit another page or hit the back button. If your bounce rate is high then it would suggest that the look and feel or visual design of your website is not giving people the confidence to surf. One of the best free tools available to measure bounce rate is the Google Analytics tool.

The Sitesell philosophy is great, especially because it has helped to educate many people about keywords, how to identify profitable keywords and niche marketing opportunities. Ken Evoy certainly empowered many entrepreneurs and small business owners who without his guidance, products and services would not have been able to build a search engine friendly website themselves.

The internet has matured significantly since 1997 and so have peoples expectations of what they expect from a website. Software and technology, especially the speed of peoples internet connections have advanced greatly. As a result of this, images and video download times are much faster and new compression software makes the file sizes much smaller. With the growth of digital television and multimedia applications, the average person tends to expect more.

We were approached by two SBIers who had watched all of the Sitesell training videos and read every article that they could find about building their own SBI websites. Although their pages were listed on Google and other search engines and traffic was growing steadily month on month, they could not understand why they were making limited sales or getting low numbers of enquiries. Once we installed tracking codes to measure their bounce rate it was apparent that they were receiving traffic, however, the visitors weren’t hanging around for long or clicking on their other pages!

We were commissioned to build new websites and from the positive results, we can deduce that the problems that they experienced were on the whole down to the poor quality design and layout of their websites, but you can see the “before” and “after” below and just for yourselves.

In these Sitesell Case Studies we will show you how working with a professional company like High Impact who have talent and are a knowledgeable team, has taken their original on-line business idea, completely redesigned and rebuilt them and turned them into successful on-line money making businesses.

Sitesell Case Studies 1: www.five-valleys-fabrics.com

Kirsty is very passionate about knitting. She has been knitting since she was a little girl and is very talented at it. She is a professional nurse and has always dreamed about have her own knitting related business. As a first step she decided to run local knitting workshops and advertise them in the local newspaper. She decided that she also wanted to sell knitting products including wool and knitting accessories through a website nationally and even potentially globally.

Please view the before and after and let us know which site you would find more inviting to visit? Kirsty is very pleased with the results. Her sales have increased by 250% and her bounce rate has reduced significantly.

Kirstys old siteFive Valleys Fabrics

Sitesell Case Studies 2: www.life-skill-coach.com

Rebecca had spent twelve months building her own Site Build It website which she called Boomer Consumer. The aim of her website was to reach people who were of the ‘boomer’ generation and who may need help from a Life Coach. Rebecca is a qualified Psychotherapist and has already helped many people local to her. She wanted to reach people further a field and offer remote coaching services via e-mail and telephone.

Following a complete evaluation of the site and it’s goals, we proposed a complete rebuild on a keyword focused domain name. The initial feedback from people who had viewed both of the sites was very encouraging. The new visual design instantly gave her more credibility and the new keyword structure and content generated more targeted traffic.
Rebecca has seen her business grow since investing in a professionally built Site Build It site designed and managed by High Impact.

boomer consumerLife Skill Coach

High Impact specialise in building professionally researched and designed search engine friendly on-line businesses and one of our areas of expertise is building custom Html Sitesell Site Build It Sites.