Why managing your link profile is a lot like growing a fruit tree

We can sometimes get carried away with analogies in the world of SEO, so forgive us if we’ve gotten a bit too fruity with this one. Today we’re talking about links and specifically, how to best manage your links profile and whether you need links research tools to do this. We’re not going to be looking at how to grow your links, that’s for another day, instead we’ll be examining how to best cultivate and prune to enhance your site’s performance.

How to leverage links: A Guide for the Greater Good

Let’s face it, when it comes to SEO, link building should really be on the sexier side of things. Linking from one site to another is a signal of trust, it says: “Hey, Google! I rate this site, I think it’s relevant, this site has my trust.”

Now, as we all know, trust is not a thing that can be bought, it needs to be earned and this is something that’s crucial to understand in the modern SEO landscape. When it comes to link acquisition, simply buying up a spammy links package or a bunch of low cost links might have some small benefit to your site’s rankings in the short term. However, this short-term gain is very likely to lead to long-term pain. Post Penguin, old-style link building just isn’t a future proof option.

How to p-p-p-pick up after Penguin: Your guide to penalty recovery

Many people contact us when they have experienced a significant drop in website traffic and over the last few years we’ve gained substantial insight into Penguin penalization and the path to Penguin recovery. Often clients come to us after several months of failing to resolve issues in-house and are very disheartened by their lack of progress, and we’re especially pleased we are able to help in these instances. Today, we share the process that will help you p-p-p-ick up after Penguin!

How to stick to the Google Webmaster Guidelines

With Google punishing the sites of several high-profile brands with penalties recently, we thought now would be a good time to clarify any grey areas when it comes to what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour in Google’s eyes. Of course, many things that are total ‘do nots’ in the world of SEO now, started off a few years ago as easy ‘do’ tactics.

If you’re ever in doubt, it’s best to refer to the Google Webmaster guidelines. Here you’ll find a helpful list of rules from the powers that be, which should help you stay on the straight and narrow and avoid penalties.

To make things extra clear, we’ve outlined some of the old-school SEO techniques that are still catching some people out. And, we’ve even summarised why they are a no-go if you want to stay on the right side of Google and in a good position on the SERPs.